
If a drug has a green symbol with a white line that says generic on the packaging, it is a generic drug with the logo or Obat Generik Berlogo (OGB).

There are many types, but in Indonesia the number of consumers is still relatively low. One of the reasons is the community’s paradigm that obat generik berlogo (OGB) is still second-class. People also sometimes think that the benefits are not so effective when compared to branded ones. Even though this is not the case, the misunderstanding is that the more expensive the price, the better the quality. This happens because of a lack of education to the public.

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Understanding the Definition of Obat Generik Berlogo (OGB)

In general, Indonesia has two types of drugs, namely patents and generics. Patent means development that has been clinically tested against international standards. As the name implies, the drug is exclusively produced and marketed by the company holding the patent. Meanwhile, generic means a drug whose patent period has expired so that it can be produced freely by various pharmaceutical companies. In Indonesia itself, generics are divided into two types, namely generics with logos and branded generics.

Actually, there is no significant difference between the two types because the efficacy, recipe, and content are also exactly the same. In fact, the side effects are the same. That is, the two differences only lie in the packaging. OGB packaging is indeed simpler because there is no logo or brand of the pharmaceutical company that produces it. However, it has a similar characteristic, namely a green circle with a white line that says generic. Meanwhile, generic branded packaging is more diverse depending on the identity of the producer company. The appearance and shape of the drug is also made to be more attractive. Therefore, there is a significant difference in terms of price even though they are both generic types. The price of OGB itself is controlled by the government.

Actually, the type of OGB has often been encountered by the general public, such as paracetamol which is commonly used to relieve fever, mefenamic acid which reduces menstrual pain, and antacids that relieve stomach pain. These drugs have been proven effective so there is no need to worry about taking them.

The Advantages of Taking OGB when Sick

There are several benefits that can be obtained when switching to using OGB to treat various diseases that are being suffered. The benefits are varied, ranging from the economic side to awareness about the use of the drug. The following is a complete explanation of some of these advantages.

1. More Economical Value

There are two things that make treatment expensive. First, conducting laboratory tests to check various body conditions and second, buying the medicine. One treatment can even cost millions, not to mention the need for control and consultation. You can cut the cost of the treatment by choosing to take medication for healing, try asking a doctor for an OGB prescription. OGB is much cheaper because there are no research, testing, and marketing costs involved. However, OGB has a focus on providing supplements for the body.

2. Can Recover from Disease Suffered

In general, OGB is not much different in efficacy from branded ones, considering that the composition is the same and has been tested before. If taking branded generic drugs can be cured, the same thing will also be the same when using generics with logos. If you are still in doubt to consume it, try to consult with the doctor who examined you. Is it possible to take OGB to treat disease, what is the dose, and how long does it take to take it. Thus, the chances of recovery can be higher.

3. Help Fight Negative Paradigms

The negative paradigm arises because not many people have complete knowledge about OGB. Therefore, if more and more people use drugs, public confidence will increase and over time the negative paradigm will begin to decrease.

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Treating is the best step to resolve the pain experienced. However, sometimes you also have to consider various other aspects, such as finance. For that, try ordering Obat Generik Berlogo (OGB), we are able to provide the best for you.

Read more about health tips and medicine here. You can find a list of medicines that we distribute based on our partner medicine production companies on our principal’s page. If you are a medicine manufacturer or medicine retailer who needs cooperation and more information about Mandira as a pharmaceutical distributor, please contact us here.